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From 1950, Dr. Gennady Kutsev worked as a shepherd on a Soviet collective farm, a worker in a repair and construction crew, and a mica cutter at a Mica factory. In 1956 he graduated from high school.

In 1961 he graduated with honors from the agronomical faculty of Irkutsk Agricultural Institute.

In 1961-1963, he served as chief agronomist of the Lenin banner collective farm (Znamya Lenina) (Irkutsk Oblast).

In 1963-1969, while in the Komsomol, Kutsev served as the Regional Committee Secretary of The All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, a responsible organizer of Central Committee of The All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, and the first secretary of Irkutsk Regional committee of Komsomol.

In 1969, he finished his postgraduate course in Irkutsk State University and defended his dissertation for the Candidate of Philosophical Science degree.

Since 1970, Kutsev has served as a head teacher, an associate professor of the philosophy department as well as dean of the faculty of Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Since 1976, he has also served as the head of the philosophy department at Krasnoyarsk State University and Vice Rector for Academic Work. In 1981-1987, he served as the UTMN rector.

In 1987, Kutsev worked as the Deputy Minister of higher and secondary professional education of the RSFSR, and in 1988, he served as the USSR State Committee deputy chairman for public education, while simultaneously managing the department of philosophy and sociology of Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy.

Since 1992, he worked as the University of Tyumen rector, president (since 2007), and research supervisor (since October 2012). Gennady Kutsev is a chairman of Tyumen Regional Department of the Academy of Social Sciences as well as a chairman of the Social Council of the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Oblast.

On February 26, 2015, he was elected a member of the Russian Academy of Education.