Laboratory for Polar and Subpolar Geosystems

       Head of Laboratory
Artyom V. Khomutov, CSc. (Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)
Senior Research associate

Research Team 
  • Marina O. Leibman, DSc. (Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences)
  • Leading research associate

Research Areas 

Comprehensive study of the Arctic and the Subarctic (including coastal areas) geosystems’ transformations associated with cryogenic processes, using advanced remote sensing, as well as other laboratory and field methods.

coastal areas of the Arctic seas, has a cyclical pattern that depends on the alternation of cooling and warming cycles. Significant warming results in the thawing of the permafrost and the underground ice. However, the particular dynamics of cryogenic processes at a given time depend on a number of factors.

A comprehensive research of entire geosystems is crucial for a more accurate understanding of the multidirectional interaction of various factors influencing the development of cryogenic processes. Such comprehensive studies include both remote sensing methods based on the interpretation of satellite imagery, and field observations of the dynamics of landforms, permafrost, drainage basins, snow cover, etc.

The necessary research breadth can be achieved only through the collaboration of specialists from various fields, including remote sensing, unmanned aerial photography, and chemical analysis.
UTMN Institute
of Environmental
and Agricultural Biology

25 Lenina Street,
Tyumen 625003

Dr. Mikhail Zhak
Deputy Director
(3452) 59-74-00
Marina Toptygina
Head of Study office
59-74-00 (ad. 17178)